Dance For Me

“Dance for me, Jessica,” the voice spoke into her spirit, “let yourself go and focus on me. I am here. All I ask is that you dance. Watch and see what I will do.”

The words kept running through her mind while the praise and worship team began the worship service. It was Sunday Night Service and there was excitement and anticipation in the sanctuary. The Holy Spirit almost always ministered on Sunday Nights. The general consensus was that the people who really loved the Lord came on Sunday night.

The service began with Jehovah Jireh. It was her favorite song and it was easy for her to get into the rhythm and lyrics. She stepped into the aisle, closed her eyes, lifted her hands toward Heaven, and began swaying to the music. She quit concentrating on what she was doing and let herself go. She had learned a long time ago that true worship was spontaneous, not something you worked at. The faster the tempo the more animated she became. Her spirit took control of her body and she became a sight to see, swaying, twirling, and offering up praise.

The congregation watched, spellbound, as she danced toward Aunt Ellen. Aunt Ellen was the matriarch of the church. Because of rheumatoid arthritis, she had been confined to a wheelchair for many years. They watched as Jessica stopped in front of her.

“Jessica, take hold of her hands,” said the voice,” it’s all right. Watch what happens.”

She did so and felt something surge through her body. Aunt Ellen smiled, shouted “Praise The Lord!” and stood up. The praise team stopped in mid-song and you could have heard a pin drop throughout the sanctuary.

Aunt Ellen took a couple of shaky steps with Jessica holding her hands.

“Let go of her,” said the voice.

“Lord! Are you sure?” silently asked Jessica.

“Let go.”

She did as she was told. Every eye was riveted on Aunt Ellen. She smiled, jumped up and down, and motioned to the praise and worship team, “Why did you stop?”

The music began and she began dancing with Jessica, matching her step for step.

The congregation went wild. The pastor was crying, {it was his Aunt Ellen}, people were shouting praises and the Holy Spirit arrived with all His power and authority.

Jessica and Aunt Ellen kept dancing hand in hand. Their eyes were closed tight as they danced. Around the sanctuary they went without running into anybody or tripping over something. It was like they were on a mission.

Somehow, they found themselves behind the back pew. This was where Rex always sat. He was the husband of one of the praise team members. He only came because of his wife. The church had been praying for a miracle. He needed Jesus.

Jessica opened her eyes and saw that he was crying. The Holy Spirit was all over him. She looked at Aunt Ellen and nodded. They placed their hands on his shoulders and he broke completely. He collapsed on the pew and wept. They worked their way to the end of the pew and motioned for him to come. Through his tears, he nodded and joined them.

They danced him to the altar, picking up members of the congregation along the way. By the time they got there most of the people were surrounding them, shouting praises and thanking the Holy Spirit.

Pastor took over and led Rex to the Lord. It was special because of how long they had prayed for him.

On the way home the Lord spoke to Jessica.

“I am so proud of you! You obeyed so that I could work,” He said.

“May I dance for you again? Will miracles happen?” she asked.

“Yes, my child, yes you may dance. As long as you focus on me and do as I say I will use you,” He answered.

“Thank you! Thank you for using me tonight. I love you!”

June 25, 2023