The Hammer Fell
With a thud, the hammer fell
Driving those nails ever so deep
With each stroke, cries of pain
As the onlookers began to weep
With a thud, the hammer fell
Nailing our Savior to the cross
On His head is a crown of thorns
“King of the Jews” sign embossed
With a thud, the hammer fell
Piercing that man, Jesus His name
Cross hoisted, into a hole dropped
Hung a man, sinless without blame
With a thud, the hammer fell
Victory was won with each stroke
No longer would we live defeated
Satan’s chains were forever broke
With a thud, the hammer fell
Disease no longer in Satan’s control
Healing was purchased with His blood
Because He loves us, heart and soul
With a thud, that hammer fell
His precious blood made a way for me
To someday enter into Heaven
Where His nail-pierced body I will see
With a thud, that hammer fell
Our salvation through Him gained
He now awaits us in glory
He won a victory through His pain
Friday, June 17, 2022