Our Attorney

In the middle of the night, they came

He was betrayed by one of His own

Peter cut off an ear in His defense

Now King Jesus stands before Pilate alone

He had no lawyer to plead His case

And there was no such thing as bail

The only outcome He could possibly face

Was a rugged cross, hammer, and nails

Convicted, was beaten, a cat o’ nine tails

And to His rescue, no help would come

Upon His bloody shoulders, a cross was laid

On Golgotha’s hill was crucified, did succumb

If He had wanted, rescuers would have come

Legions of angels would have intervened

Instead, He willingly gave His life for us all

Making sure His love for humanity was seen

With His blood, defense became an offense

And in His death, a victory was won

Satan did his best to overcome and stop it

He was defeated, his power quest was done

Now Jesus is there, pleading in our defense

On our behalf, The Father, He petitions

As our defense attorney, He has no peers

Against Satan, he wins all of the decisions

His best defense tool is His precious blood

Against it, Satan can not possibly win

When we are immersed in that crimson flow

It cleanses us, it washes away our sin

Wednesday, July 6, 2022