Boy's Story -
The Devil Wore Feathers

It was Saturday afternoon and Josh had called an emergency meeting at his house. Now all of the boys were lounging around his bedroom waiting on him.

“Guys, I’m in trouble!” he pleaded.

“What’s wrong?” asked Tommy.

“Do you know Mr. Whipple? He and my grandpa have been friends for years. Anyway, he told grandpa that he was going out of town to visit his brother. He needed someone to take care of his livestock for a couple of weeks. Grandpa told him I’d do it,” answered Josh.

“So, what’s the problem?” asked Billy.

“The eggs. I have to collect and take them to the market for him also,” he replied.

“Ok, what’s so hard about that?” asked Jason.

“I started a couple of days ago and things were going ok until I did something stupid yesterday,” he replied.

“Whadja do?”

“I had finished running water to the calves and sheep and was heading across the barnyard when this great big rooster walked in front of me. Not thinking anything about it, I reached out and pulled his tail. That crazy bird jumped onto my shoulders and started beating me with his wings and pulling my hair with his beak. I like to never got him off my back! And I just barely made it through the gate ahead of him. He stood there watching me with those beady eyes, just daring me to go back in there!”

“You gotta be kidding me,” chuckled Billy.

“That’s the funniest thing I ever heard!” laughed Tommy.

“Sounds to me like you’re scared of him,” added Jason.

“Have you ever had a rooster on your back beating the daylights out of you?”

“Well, no.”

“Uh-huh! Try it one time!”

None of the boys thought it sounded like very much fun.

“Ok, Josh, what do you want us to do?”

“I have to go do the feeding after while and going into the barnyard is like going into a war zone. I thought that with all of us it might be easier.”

“Sure, we’ll help ya.”

Late that afternoon the boys rode their bikes to Mr. Whipple’s farm. As they pulled into the driveway, they snuck glances at the barnyard gate, fully expecting to see a monster rooster waiting for them. Relief was on their faces when they saw that nothing wearing feathers was waiting for them.

“Ok, you guys, here’s the plan. Two of us will gather eggs, one to actually take them from the nest and the other to stand as a bodyguard. Billy and Tommy, I want you to do that. Jason and I will go to the barn and start feeding and watering,” ordered Josh.

As they discussed their strategy, two beady, little red eyes watched them from the security of the hen house. While the boys talked, the rooster snuck out and ran for the oak tree that stood near the barnyard gate. Upon reaching the tree, it awkwardly flew up and perched on an overhanging limb.

As the boys went about their assignments, Billy and Tommy were the last ones through the gate. Just as Tommy turned from latching the gate, the rooster pounced. Landing on his shoulders, it grabbed a strand of his hair with its beak and hung on.

“Ooowww! It’s got me! Help me, Billy!” Tommy screamed.

Billy turned to see a terrifying sight. A huge, white rooster was standing astride Tommy’s shoulders, rapidly beating him with his wings. Tommy was flailing his arms, dancing in a circle, and screaming at the top of his lungs. Billy decided that he wanted no part of it and headed for safety, and at the moment, safety seemed to be the henhouse. Tommy and he took off running for the henhouse and in the process, Tommy was able to dislodge the rooster. Reaching safety, Billy slammed the door behind them.

“Why didn’t you help me?” wailed Tommy.

“I didn’t wanna make it mad at me!”

“What are we gonna do? We’re trapped!”

“Open the door and see if it’s out there.”

Tommy cracked the door open and sure enough, the rooster was pacing the ground in front of the door. Ruffling its feathers, it gave Tommy a menacing glance as it strutted and then it charged the door!

“It’s right outside the door. Can’t you hear it? It’s hissing and making funny clucking noises!” Tommy said as he slammed the door shut.

“Just waiting for us to come out! Do ya reckon it’s possessed? Maybe it’s a devil bird!”

“Shut up, Billy! Now, what are we gonna do?”

“Let’s start yelling. Maybe Josh or Jason will hear us and come get us out of here.”

They started screaming, desperately hoping the others would hear them. Jason stuck his head out the barn door, saw what was happening, grabbed Josh, and headed for the henhouse.

As Josh ran out the door, he grabbed a broken piece of a rake handle.

“Here we come!” they yelled.

The rooster heard them coming and turned to meet the new threat. As Josh drew near it fluttered into the air, shrieking loudly, and aimed its spurs at Josh’s face. Dodging it, Josh swung wildly with the rake handle and smacked the rooster, knocking it down into a pile of feathers and dust.

“Come on! Let’s get out of here!”

The boys raced for home, thankful to be alive. Timidly, they went back the next day wearing football pads, helmets, and toting BB guns. Much to their relief, the rooster was nowhere to be found. They had no more encounters, and the two weeks went by quickly, although they did feel like they were being watched. Mr. Whipple returned from his trip and relieved them from their duties.

“Josh. I’ve been talking to Mr. Whipple. Do you have any idea what happened to his rooster?” asked his grandpa.

“What do you mean? Is there something wrong?” answered Josh.

“Whipple says it’s the funniest thing you ever saw. That rooster’s neck acts like it’s on a swivel. It’s almost like it’s been bent. He wobbles along then stumbles and falls. Takes one step forward and two sideways. And the funniest thing is when he tries to crow. Whipple swears it sounds like its’ being strangled. And none of the hens will have anything to do with him,” answered his grandpa.

“Imagine that,” chuckled Josh.

“Oh, by the way, he wants to thank you boys for doing his chores. Says that if you and your friends want to come over for Sunday dinner he’ll feed you. If I know him, you’ll sit down to a fine meal.”

That Sunday the boys were seated at Mr. Whipple’s table as he carried a platter from the kitchen.

“Did you hear about my rooster? I can’t figure out what happened to him. Anyway, he became useless to me so, here he is. I’ve marinated him in my special hot sauce to make him tender. I hope you like it. So, dig in boys, this is the least I could do for you helping me.”

Every bite reminded them of their ordeal. Later on, as the side effects of hot sauce and tough bird settled in, the devil came back to visit them!

“Billy! Quit hoggin’ the Bismol! My stomach hurts so bad I think I’m gonna die!”

June 24, 2023