The BB Gun
He got a brand new BB gun
Red Ryder, it was the brand
Excited, he filled the magazine
BB’s spilling from his hands
Along the fence line, he hunted
Shooting anything that moved
Grasshoppers, crickets aplenty
Until a little sparrow, he viewed
Cocking his weapon, he took aim
Pulled the trigger and missed
His father shouted his name
Sounded like he was pissed
“Your BB, it hit the house”
“Being careful you were not
“Now hand it to me please”
“Before you take another shot”
He lost it for two weeks
To his parents, he did apologize
He no longer took a bad shot
His error, it made him wise
With it, he became a good shot
Always remembering what he did
A lesson learned the hard way
Always hurts when you’re a kid
June 14, 2022