First Car Dilemma
Into a tight spin, he went
He was totally out of control
Black ice was the culprit
Getting out of it, his goal
Sliding backward, he cringed
Knew he was going to crash
Bruises, broken bones his fate
More likely a severe backlash
He barely tapped the brakes
In another direction, he went
Tried to correct, oversteered
It seemed he was hell-bent
He clipped off a mailbox
Tail end, it hit a tree
Barrel rolled it two times
From his body knocked pee
He landed right side up
Smashed against an old barn
Both axles broke, dented roof
Crawled out, muttered, “Darn!”
His first care he totaled
Now school bus he must ride
Battered and bruised he was
What hurt most was his pride
Friday, June 17, 2022