The Dinner Party
One day I’m going to a party
The biggest and best I’ve ever been
My invitation, I received long ago
It was promised to me way back when
A surprise party? It is definitely not
Birthday or anniversary it won’t be
It will be a joyous, happy reunion
With my family, my Jesus, and me
The banquet table, it has been set
White linen, table settings of pure gold
The food will be bountiful and good
From the scriptures, I’ve been told
The Master of Ceremonies is the Master
He will rejoice and welcome us home
For the ones invited to this party
Their names are written in His tome
We’ll be present in our new bodies
Ones without sickness, pain, disease
We will be perfect in every way
In us, our Master is eternally pleased
You could call it a large Church Social
Or maybe a Holy Wedding if you want
Regardless, our Earthly days are over
To no longer listen to Satan’s taunts
The party, it will last forever and ever
And to me, that is perfectly fine
Knowing my eternity has been secured
My Jesus, I am His, He is mine!
Friday, June 17, 2022